May 2024

A doctor checking the sinus' of their patient.

Frontal Sinusotomy Procedure: What to Expect in this Frontal Sinus Surgery

Understanding Frontal Sinus Anatomy The frontal sinus is a pair of paranasal sinuses above the eye sockets. It is filled with air and kept warm and moist by its mucosal lining. These air pockets are believed to lighten the mass of the skull and enhance speech resonance with the other paranasal sinuses. The frontal sinus

Frontal Sinusotomy Procedure: What to Expect in this Frontal Sinus Surgery Read More »

A radiologist looking at scans of their patient's nose and cheekbone area.

Understanding Maxillary Antrostomy: A Comprehensive Guide to the Procedure and Benefits

What is Maxillary Antrostomy? Maxillary antrostomy is a surgical procedure that widens the opening of the maxillary sinus to improve sinus drainage. It is commonly employed to address chronic sinusitis that has not responded to conservative treatments. Exploring the Maxillary Sinus and its Role in Sinus Health The maxillary sinus is the largest pair of

Understanding Maxillary Antrostomy: A Comprehensive Guide to the Procedure and Benefits Read More »